by aries » Wed Oct 30, 2024 3:38 am
Reprinted from Valentine story contest winner
The world is going crazy. People just don’t understand that the world is spinning and they are being fooled by that. They keep running and running and lands up in the same place.
Take the instance of this middle aged gentleman in funny blue striped shirt. He just ran towards the bus stand in a hurry. The fool has not realised it yet that the world will spin and he will be back by the evening in the same place. He will again run in the next morning towards the same bus stand to catch the same bus just to return in the same place.
Some run really fast, Like the girl named Bani. She tried to run off with the laundry man Sanju last year. She was not back for one long year. Like all, Budhiya also thought that she must have run so fast that she beat the globe. But after one year, she came back in the same place to her parents alone. The world wins again!!
Budhiya touched the ground beneath and said,
“You may be a smart ass, but remember, I am smarter. I am not going to be fooled by your trickery. I am not going anywhere. I will stand still here and I will wait for you to complete your rotation and I will reach in the place I always wanted to go. I know the place where fresh foods are available in the waste disposal. There people are so kind that they dispose half of their food in the dustbin just to honour the smartness of Budhiya. The foods there are less smelly and available plenty.“
“Go away from my shop Budhiya. You will scare off my customer you crazy.” Peston Bhai of Peston Bhai grocery throws a splash of water from his jug to Budhiya.
“In your dream, you old vulture, don’t you think I could not recognize you. You are a minion of the globe trying to scare Budhiya away. As soon as Budhiya leaves this place, the earth will spin and Budhiya will find himself again in the same place. And like rest of the world, Budhiya will also think that he has gone mad.” Budhiya was not sure if he actually spilled these words out or not but he removed himself to another corner.
“Come here Budhiya, I have some roti for you.” Musical voice of Mina, the sweetest living human being of earth, daughter of ugly Preston Bhaiwas calling Budhiya by his name. Budhiya is very hungry but he is not going to show it to Mina. He walks slowly towards extended hands of Mina. Mina wrapped two chapatties in a newspaper with some curry in it. Budhiya walked near Mina, and said in a sweetest possible tone, “You should not have bothered Mina, I could have managed,”
“Oh my prince charming, you must have an invitation from the president of India in his royal palace for lunch. I am so fortunate that you declined his invitation and preferred food from this poor girl.”
Mina laughed in her own joke with her purest soul. The innocence in Mina’s voice filled the morning air with chime from a temple bell. Birds stop their nonsense chattering and listened closely and never sang back as they were ashamed by their incapability to mimic the sound of this goddess. Mina’s smile filled the air with the smell of fresh fruit that has been never thrown in the disposal bin.
Budhiya wiped his wet hand in his dirty wrap around. Mina’s eyes were filled with sorrow and pain for her father’s heartless act.
“Why you do not listen to him? Why don’t you find some other place? May be below that statue? Nobody is going to disturb you over there.” She said.
“I have to wait few more days or years in this place Mina. Then the earth will rotate and I shall be in a new place. I know that place. The place has even got a concrete bench in it for us to rest. And no dogs, off course no dogs are there to bark at me. “
‘Oh what a nice place, even with a concrete bench and no dogs!! Will you allow me to visit you there?”
“Why not? You can even stay with me if you want. You have been so nice to me all the time.Always you give me fresh food to eat. You never throw stones at me. ”
Mina turned away, a hint of smile was on her face but her eyes were filled with tears.
Mina is a nice girl. She never left her house for a single day taking care of her ailing mother. It is quite obvious that when Budhiya will reach his destination, Mina will also be there. Budhiya knows Mina loves him, and he loves Mina too. Mina is the sweetest and smartest girl ever. When the earth will give up to the smartness of Budhiya, then he will hold her hand and proudly stand up on the bench to give a loud lough to the rest of the world,
“Now you see who is mad! You people have always called me crazy, always laughed at me. Now who is laughing?”
People around him will worship him as their king; they will come forward with their offerings of fresh food wrapped in newspaper. He will happily share the food with Mina.
Three boys gathered around Bani in the solitary afternoon and she was flirting with them. Budhiya knows these boys very well. They are the minion of earth and always spawn back in the same place and in different face and colour. They have tried their tricks with Budhiya, but Budhiya is not that fool. Budhiya remained in a same place even after Budhiya became their favourite target for practicing stone throwing. Since Bani remained in a same place for quite long time, they came here to tempt Bani to leave. Budhiya is not going to stop them either as he does not want Bani to be here when earth rotates and Budhiya reaches his ultimate destination.
“Come here you crazy motherfucker. Show us the dance of Sharukh Khan.” One of them tried to arrange some amusement for Bani.
“Like hell I am. Go away you sons of Devil. Go away to your dark cave. You can take Bani with you if you wish.” Budhiya tried to tell these words, but somebody must have stopped him to utter publicly. So he kept mum and completely ignored them.
“Why he will join us, his darling Mina is not here. If it would have been Mina calling, then you could have seen. His eyes are always glued to the closed door of their house, and whenever Mina calls him, he rushed towards her like a dog to a bone” said Bani who was bored by chatting gibberish with her three male companions and was looking for something different.
“So the little Whoreson got a crush on Mina, Ah? Bring him here.” The leader type boy among them ordered other two, who gladly obliges.
“So, you want to fuck Mina? Yea, you should. The cold proud girl should be fucked by a mad. What a nice couple it would make! A mad groom with a stone cold snob bride who does not even have proper tits!”
“Yes, you are right, Mina walks around here and never showed the simple courtesy of talking with her neighbours! As if we are non-existent in her vision. She must be so proud of her beauty. This Budhiya will be a perfect match for her.” Bani encouraged the boys to carry on the show.
“Show us your dick. Let us see if it is the proper shape and size to match her.” The hooligan was telling this to Budhiya, but his eyes were fixed at Bani to see her reaction in this erotic and funny moment.
Budhiya tried to resist but he was alone against three. One of them revealed Budhiya completely in the open road just for fun. Budhiya was helpless and he was ashamed. He was hoping that the earth will spin now and these brutes along with it will be gone.
“Oh, my!! Not bad size for a mad man!” Bani filled with laughter and amusement.
“Darling, give me a chance, I will show you the size of a real man.” The fat one who was performing the role of leader till now whispered to Bani.
“Hey, what you are doing? Leave that man. Go away from here.” Preston Bhai shouted from window of his residence. In the door Budhiya could see the face of terrified Mina pale in horror.
The boys were reluctant to let go such an amusement that easily, but by that time few other faces also started appearing in the buildings around them. So they had no other option but to retreat for the moment. The people around here do not despise Budhiya. He may be a tramp, may be an autistic, but never disturbed their peace. He prefers to keep within and never beg for food or anything to anybody. Budhiya is now a part of their locality as the street lights around the corner or the tree that only bloom during spring time. Budhiya scavenges whatever food they dispose or some time they give him the leftovers out of pity. After the boys left, some of them even came down to help Budhiyato put back his clothes. Mute eyes of Mina expressed her gratitude to the supporting hands. Soon the secluded street returned to its normal solitary state.
Budhiya was still fighting with the hordes of minion that appear endlessly in the battlefield. He was fighting with his all force, till last breath, but what a simple man can do against such an overwhelming force of evil? Budhiya started praying to the goddess with his eyes closed, “Oh goddess, give me the power to defeat this force of devil, give me the power to be victorious”
And suddenly the sky parted with a blinding light and Mina appears. Budhiya never seen her like that ever, her eyes were glowing with anger, her hands ware raised holding a trident in it. She came and stands between Budhiya and the monsters of hell. The minions got scared, and started departing the battlefield quickly.
“Arise, my dear Budhiya, you have won. Look, the earth moved to a new place and we have reached our destination. The people, who were running around, are not in the scene.”
Tired Budhiya opened his eyes to find Mina smiling with peace. Her trident is replaced by roti wrapped in newspaper. Budhiya held the hands of Mina and took her to the concrete bench reserved for him alone. Even the dogs were so happy for them that they greeted him by moving their tails. Budhiya sat close to Mina and held her hand.
When Budhiya woke up from his dream from the loud siren of the ambulance he was smiling. Even when Mother of Mina ware taken to hospital in it, he was still smiling seeing Mina. He was looking for the right opportunity to tell Mina not to worry. It is just a dream and soon she will wake up from it. Her mother is perfectly okay and she is happily living with Budhiya in a different place. When anxious and worried Mina and her father left the locality in the ambulance with her mother, even then Budhya was smiling looking at the fading trail light of the speeding ambulance.
Budhiya is not okay. He is sad, very sad. For consecutive three days Mina is out of his sight. He waited hour after hour in front of her door, but Mina never returned. Mina never opened her door with the roti wrapped in newspaper in her hand. Budhiya has not eaten either. Budhiya will wait in her door till she returns. Why she left her place? Why she has to move? What will happen if earth rotate in between and snatch Mina away to a different place from where she will never able to return like his mother never returned from the station where she left Budhiya long ago?
Budhiya’s eyes are filled in tears. He wanted to cry, but he was not sure if he could cry. Everybody told him that he is a mad, and he is not sure if mad people are supposed to cry or not.
“If you cry now, you are really a mad like people are telling you. You must do something. You must wait all night here. You must not leave for the pavement in front of park like you did every night. What will happen if Mina returns in the late night and she could not find you? You must make yourself ready for fight. You must reach in to core of the earth so you can hit it there. You must stop the earth from its rotation.”
Budhiya shake off his trance and came back with two pieces of stone in his hand. He placed one in the ground and started hitting it with another. The heartless concrete road bellow put enough resistance. Soon his hand was red in blood. But he keeps on striking.
The sun goes down and the sky turns red as if to mimic the colour of Budhiya’s hand. The cold air from north flows to carry the message from incoming winter. The darkness engulfs the afternoon to make way for the night. Birds stop their chatter. Only the sound of Budhiya striking the road to reach the core of earth existed in the world. Within few moments, it became so monotonous, that it became a part of the night itself.
Last train left the platform. Mina travelled back alone. Her mother is out of danger now, but Preston Bhai prefers to remain with her mother. He tried to stop Mina too, but Mina assured him that she is a grown up girl now, and will be alright. Besides, every brick and stone in the area is known to Mina and vice versa.
What Mina could not tell her papa, that giving food to Budhiya became a habit for her. As now her mother is okay, she is worried for Budhiya. It is not pity, it is certainly not love but it is something natural and part of her life like breathing.
We are living in a materialistic world and we need to define everything. Love and affection between two people needs to be defined as either physical, mental, spiritual, professional and so on. If we find anything which is not matching with our idea and knowledge which we have carefully nurtured since the age of Neanderthals, we fill uncomfortable. And we will keep on filling uncomfortable till we drag that to our comfort zone. Our every education, every methodical training since childhood taught us, ‘Beware of something new, beware of something radical. If you are seeing something which you never seen before, it is dangerous and remove it by all means. So Mina was feeling uncomfortable about her feelings for Budhiya. She tried to shape it as pity, as a master feels about her pet dog, but it was not matching, it was not fitting in place.
She was so deeply rooted in her thought that she did not noticed three shadows are following her for quite some time. Now seeing the opportunity, the same three boys who humiliated Budhiya few days ago, lurked behind her. One of them gaged Mina from behind and other two forced her towards the darkest corner of the street.
When Budhiya heard the muffled cry for help, his hands relived the stones and he tried to spot the origin of the sound. It is not long before he could notice the movement in shadows. Mina was overpowered by three creatures by then and they were about to begin their monstrosity.
The first stone hit the fat one between his eyes. He left Mina and fell on ground instantly. Terrified by the act, other two stands up to find Budhiya in a never before seen condition.
Now everybody can see the madness in Budhiya. His eyes were burning and his hands were red in blood. Long never combed hair waving like hallo behind him and he looked like the god who is about to start his dance of the destruction. Budhiya is ready to kill and ready to die.
Before they could react, Budhiya picked another stone and hit the person in front of him just below his ear. It was a fatal strike and the person was dead before he could hit the ground.
The boy to receive the first blow from Budhiya is now could regain some sense and hold Budhiya from Back. Remaining hooligan now pulled out a knife from his back pocket and repeatedly stabbed Budhiya with it.
Budhiya never fought back as he could see that Mina is running towards her home, towards safety. She will be reaching there soon. The earth started spinning around Budhiya. Now the moment has come for which he waited so long. Mina must be waiting for him at the place. As soon as earth stops its rotation, Budhiya will be there too. Mina is waiting for him over there by the concrete bench reserved only for them.
He was smiling even when his miserable life left him.
Reprinted from Valentine story contest winner
The world is going crazy. People just don’t understand that the world is spinning and they are being fooled by that. They keep running and running and lands up in the same place.
Take the instance of this middle aged gentleman in funny blue striped shirt. He just ran towards the bus stand in a hurry. The fool has not realised it yet that the world will spin and he will be back by the evening in the same place. He will again run in the next morning towards the same bus stand to catch the same bus just to return in the same place.
Some run really fast, Like the girl named Bani. She tried to run off with the laundry man Sanju last year. She was not back for one long year. Like all, Budhiya also thought that she must have run so fast that she beat the globe. But after one year, she came back in the same place to her parents alone. The world wins again!!
Budhiya touched the ground beneath and said,
“You may be a smart ass, but remember, I am smarter. I am not going to be fooled by your trickery. I am not going anywhere. I will stand still here and I will wait for you to complete your rotation and I will reach in the place I always wanted to go. I know the place where fresh foods are available in the waste disposal. There people are so kind that they dispose half of their food in the dustbin just to honour the smartness of Budhiya. The foods there are less smelly and available plenty.“
“Go away from my shop Budhiya. You will scare off my customer you crazy.” Peston Bhai of Peston Bhai grocery throws a splash of water from his jug to Budhiya.
“In your dream, you old vulture, don’t you think I could not recognize you. You are a minion of the globe trying to scare Budhiya away. As soon as Budhiya leaves this place, the earth will spin and Budhiya will find himself again in the same place. And like rest of the world, Budhiya will also think that he has gone mad.” Budhiya was not sure if he actually spilled these words out or not but he removed himself to another corner.
“Come here Budhiya, I have some roti for you.” Musical voice of Mina, the sweetest living human being of earth, daughter of ugly Preston Bhaiwas calling Budhiya by his name. Budhiya is very hungry but he is not going to show it to Mina. He walks slowly towards extended hands of Mina. Mina wrapped two chapatties in a newspaper with some curry in it. Budhiya walked near Mina, and said in a sweetest possible tone, “You should not have bothered Mina, I could have managed,”
“Oh my prince charming, you must have an invitation from the president of India in his royal palace for lunch. I am so fortunate that you declined his invitation and preferred food from this poor girl.”
Mina laughed in her own joke with her purest soul. The innocence in Mina’s voice filled the morning air with chime from a temple bell. Birds stop their nonsense chattering and listened closely and never sang back as they were ashamed by their incapability to mimic the sound of this goddess. Mina’s smile filled the air with the smell of fresh fruit that has been never thrown in the disposal bin.
Budhiya wiped his wet hand in his dirty wrap around. Mina’s eyes were filled with sorrow and pain for her father’s heartless act.
“Why you do not listen to him? Why don’t you find some other place? May be below that statue? Nobody is going to disturb you over there.” She said.
“I have to wait few more days or years in this place Mina. Then the earth will rotate and I shall be in a new place. I know that place. The place has even got a concrete bench in it for us to rest. And no dogs, off course no dogs are there to bark at me. “
‘Oh what a nice place, even with a concrete bench and no dogs!! Will you allow me to visit you there?”
“Why not? You can even stay with me if you want. You have been so nice to me all the time.Always you give me fresh food to eat. You never throw stones at me. ”
Mina turned away, a hint of smile was on her face but her eyes were filled with tears.
Mina is a nice girl. She never left her house for a single day taking care of her ailing mother. It is quite obvious that when Budhiya will reach his destination, Mina will also be there. Budhiya knows Mina loves him, and he loves Mina too. Mina is the sweetest and smartest girl ever. When the earth will give up to the smartness of Budhiya, then he will hold her hand and proudly stand up on the bench to give a loud lough to the rest of the world,
“Now you see who is mad! You people have always called me crazy, always laughed at me. Now who is laughing?”
People around him will worship him as their king; they will come forward with their offerings of fresh food wrapped in newspaper. He will happily share the food with Mina.
Three boys gathered around Bani in the solitary afternoon and she was flirting with them. Budhiya knows these boys very well. They are the minion of earth and always spawn back in the same place and in different face and colour. They have tried their tricks with Budhiya, but Budhiya is not that fool. Budhiya remained in a same place even after Budhiya became their favourite target for practicing stone throwing. Since Bani remained in a same place for quite long time, they came here to tempt Bani to leave. Budhiya is not going to stop them either as he does not want Bani to be here when earth rotates and Budhiya reaches his ultimate destination.
“Come here you crazy motherfucker. Show us the dance of Sharukh Khan.” One of them tried to arrange some amusement for Bani.
“Like hell I am. Go away you sons of Devil. Go away to your dark cave. You can take Bani with you if you wish.” Budhiya tried to tell these words, but somebody must have stopped him to utter publicly. So he kept mum and completely ignored them.
“Why he will join us, his darling Mina is not here. If it would have been Mina calling, then you could have seen. His eyes are always glued to the closed door of their house, and whenever Mina calls him, he rushed towards her like a dog to a bone” said Bani who was bored by chatting gibberish with her three male companions and was looking for something different.
“So the little Whoreson got a crush on Mina, Ah? Bring him here.” The leader type boy among them ordered other two, who gladly obliges.
“So, you want to fuck Mina? Yea, you should. The cold proud girl should be fucked by a mad. What a nice couple it would make! A mad groom with a stone cold snob bride who does not even have proper tits!”
“Yes, you are right, Mina walks around here and never showed the simple courtesy of talking with her neighbours! As if we are non-existent in her vision. She must be so proud of her beauty. This Budhiya will be a perfect match for her.” Bani encouraged the boys to carry on the show.
“Show us your dick. Let us see if it is the proper shape and size to match her.” The hooligan was telling this to Budhiya, but his eyes were fixed at Bani to see her reaction in this erotic and funny moment.
Budhiya tried to resist but he was alone against three. One of them revealed Budhiya completely in the open road just for fun. Budhiya was helpless and he was ashamed. He was hoping that the earth will spin now and these brutes along with it will be gone.
“Oh, my!! Not bad size for a mad man!” Bani filled with laughter and amusement.
“Darling, give me a chance, I will show you the size of a real man.” The fat one who was performing the role of leader till now whispered to Bani.
“Hey, what you are doing? Leave that man. Go away from here.” Preston Bhai shouted from window of his residence. In the door Budhiya could see the face of terrified Mina pale in horror.
The boys were reluctant to let go such an amusement that easily, but by that time few other faces also started appearing in the buildings around them. So they had no other option but to retreat for the moment. The people around here do not despise Budhiya. He may be a tramp, may be an autistic, but never disturbed their peace. He prefers to keep within and never beg for food or anything to anybody. Budhiya is now a part of their locality as the street lights around the corner or the tree that only bloom during spring time. Budhiya scavenges whatever food they dispose or some time they give him the leftovers out of pity. After the boys left, some of them even came down to help Budhiyato put back his clothes. Mute eyes of Mina expressed her gratitude to the supporting hands. Soon the secluded street returned to its normal solitary state.
Budhiya was still fighting with the hordes of minion that appear endlessly in the battlefield. He was fighting with his all force, till last breath, but what a simple man can do against such an overwhelming force of evil? Budhiya started praying to the goddess with his eyes closed, “Oh goddess, give me the power to defeat this force of devil, give me the power to be victorious”
And suddenly the sky parted with a blinding light and Mina appears. Budhiya never seen her like that ever, her eyes were glowing with anger, her hands ware raised holding a trident in it. She came and stands between Budhiya and the monsters of hell. The minions got scared, and started departing the battlefield quickly.
“Arise, my dear Budhiya, you have won. Look, the earth moved to a new place and we have reached our destination. The people, who were running around, are not in the scene.”
Tired Budhiya opened his eyes to find Mina smiling with peace. Her trident is replaced by roti wrapped in newspaper. Budhiya held the hands of Mina and took her to the concrete bench reserved for him alone. Even the dogs were so happy for them that they greeted him by moving their tails. Budhiya sat close to Mina and held her hand.
When Budhiya woke up from his dream from the loud siren of the ambulance he was smiling. Even when Mother of Mina ware taken to hospital in it, he was still smiling seeing Mina. He was looking for the right opportunity to tell Mina not to worry. It is just a dream and soon she will wake up from it. Her mother is perfectly okay and she is happily living with Budhiya in a different place. When anxious and worried Mina and her father left the locality in the ambulance with her mother, even then Budhya was smiling looking at the fading trail light of the speeding ambulance.
Budhiya is not okay. He is sad, very sad. For consecutive three days Mina is out of his sight. He waited hour after hour in front of her door, but Mina never returned. Mina never opened her door with the roti wrapped in newspaper in her hand. Budhiya has not eaten either. Budhiya will wait in her door till she returns. Why she left her place? Why she has to move? What will happen if earth rotate in between and snatch Mina away to a different place from where she will never able to return like his mother never returned from the station where she left Budhiya long ago?
Budhiya’s eyes are filled in tears. He wanted to cry, but he was not sure if he could cry. Everybody told him that he is a mad, and he is not sure if mad people are supposed to cry or not.
“If you cry now, you are really a mad like people are telling you. You must do something. You must wait all night here. You must not leave for the pavement in front of park like you did every night. What will happen if Mina returns in the late night and she could not find you? You must make yourself ready for fight. You must reach in to core of the earth so you can hit it there. You must stop the earth from its rotation.”
Budhiya shake off his trance and came back with two pieces of stone in his hand. He placed one in the ground and started hitting it with another. The heartless concrete road bellow put enough resistance. Soon his hand was red in blood. But he keeps on striking.
The sun goes down and the sky turns red as if to mimic the colour of Budhiya’s hand. The cold air from north flows to carry the message from incoming winter. The darkness engulfs the afternoon to make way for the night. Birds stop their chatter. Only the sound of Budhiya striking the road to reach the core of earth existed in the world. Within few moments, it became so monotonous, that it became a part of the night itself.
Last train left the platform. Mina travelled back alone. Her mother is out of danger now, but Preston Bhai prefers to remain with her mother. He tried to stop Mina too, but Mina assured him that she is a grown up girl now, and will be alright. Besides, every brick and stone in the area is known to Mina and vice versa.
What Mina could not tell her papa, that giving food to Budhiya became a habit for her. As now her mother is okay, she is worried for Budhiya. It is not pity, it is certainly not love but it is something natural and part of her life like breathing.
We are living in a materialistic world and we need to define everything. Love and affection between two people needs to be defined as either physical, mental, spiritual, professional and so on. If we find anything which is not matching with our idea and knowledge which we have carefully nurtured since the age of Neanderthals, we fill uncomfortable. And we will keep on filling uncomfortable till we drag that to our comfort zone. Our every education, every methodical training since childhood taught us, ‘Beware of something new, beware of something radical. If you are seeing something which you never seen before, it is dangerous and remove it by all means. So Mina was feeling uncomfortable about her feelings for Budhiya. She tried to shape it as pity, as a master feels about her pet dog, but it was not matching, it was not fitting in place.
She was so deeply rooted in her thought that she did not noticed three shadows are following her for quite some time. Now seeing the opportunity, the same three boys who humiliated Budhiya few days ago, lurked behind her. One of them gaged Mina from behind and other two forced her towards the darkest corner of the street.
When Budhiya heard the muffled cry for help, his hands relived the stones and he tried to spot the origin of the sound. It is not long before he could notice the movement in shadows. Mina was overpowered by three creatures by then and they were about to begin their monstrosity.
The first stone hit the fat one between his eyes. He left Mina and fell on ground instantly. Terrified by the act, other two stands up to find Budhiya in a never before seen condition.
Now everybody can see the madness in Budhiya. His eyes were burning and his hands were red in blood. Long never combed hair waving like hallo behind him and he looked like the god who is about to start his dance of the destruction. Budhiya is ready to kill and ready to die.
Before they could react, Budhiya picked another stone and hit the person in front of him just below his ear. It was a fatal strike and the person was dead before he could hit the ground.
The boy to receive the first blow from Budhiya is now could regain some sense and hold Budhiya from Back. Remaining hooligan now pulled out a knife from his back pocket and repeatedly stabbed Budhiya with it.
Budhiya never fought back as he could see that Mina is running towards her home, towards safety. She will be reaching there soon. The earth started spinning around Budhiya. Now the moment has come for which he waited so long. Mina must be waiting for him at the place. As soon as earth stops its rotation, Budhiya will be there too. Mina is waiting for him over there by the concrete bench reserved only for them.
He was smiling even when his miserable life left him.